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Light of the Ocean, 2018

1 -Yerba Linda  Pretty Weed Francisco

Yerba Linda / Pretty Weed, 2017

Tree Trunks of the Grand Canyon, 2016

2015 - Aqua-Terra

Aqua-Terra / Terra-Aqua, 2015-16

2013 - Nature's Call

Nature's Call: Memory of Forgetting, 2013

2005 - Gates to the Sea

Gates to the Sea, 2005

2002 - Canto a la Fauna Americana

Canto a la fauna americana, 2002.

2001 - Canto a la fauna

Canto a la fauna, 2001.

2000 - The Mythology of the Flora and of

The Mythology of the Flora and of the Fauna, 2000.

37 -Natura-Fragil, 1999 -Sala de Arte Lo

Natura-Frágil, 1999.

1998 - Endangered

Endangered, 1998.

México en el corazón: para Lucas, 1995.

1994 - Northern Trails

Northern Trails, 1994.

1993 - With a Child's Voice

With a Child's Voice, 1993.

Reefs: Song of the Ocean, 1992.

El Caracol, 1990.

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